Golf can seem extremely complicated when trying to get your foot in the door. With all of the different rules, clubs, and finding the right place to start playing it can be challenging to find the right place to start. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get started with the sport quickly and with little to no complication.

Don’t Get Discouraged
First and foremost remind yourself that golf is a very challenging sport, and it is import to take it easy on yourself in the beginning and not give up! Even professionals have their bad days and a beginner is bound to have more than a few of them. Look to the golfers around you for inspiration and keep moving forward.

Get the Right Equipment
Contrary to the popular belief, golf does not have to be expensive. Keep in mind what you need versus what you want. You need clubs to play the game, you do not need expensive brand-name clubs to play the game. You can buy used clubs, look for the best deals, invest in lessons that will provide you with clubs, and ask around- you never know what you might find!

Learn the Rules and Proper Golf Etiquette
Golf is about respect. Respect for the player, the opponent, the green, and the sport itself. Learning the rules will prevent you from holding up other players in the course and save you a lot of confusion during play. Sportsmanship is a standard- make sure you know proper etiquette and be careful not to get too angry if you’re having a hard time.

Find a Course
You will want to find a course with a driving range and a course to play on. Consider getting a membership to a club in your area as the commitment can hold you accountable for getting your practice in.

Refine your Skill
In the beginning, paying attention to form will pay off big time in the future- it is better to learn good habits now than to have to unlearn bad habits later. There are plenty of books you can read by famous golfers and coaches that can teach you tricks of the trade and provide you with a solid foundation for playing the game.