Tips for Hitting Bunker Shots

Tips for Hitting Bunker Shots

Sand traps have been a part of golf from the beginning, and they confound novices and professionals alike. The soft sand in a bunker makes for an unstable lie, and the fact that your ball could be mostly buried means you might not get enough of it for a good shot. No...
Golf Spotlight: Tips for Making Chipping Easier

Golf Spotlight: Tips for Making Chipping Easier

Golf has been, and still is, one of the most enjoyable pastimes for hundreds of thousands of amateurs. What isn’t fun is racking up a high score because chipping hasn’t been going the way the player envisioned it in their head. For this reason, the...
Tips for Finding Control Off the Tee

Tips for Finding Control Off the Tee

When most people think of tee shots, they think of distance. Everyone wants to drive the ball as far as possible. However, in almost all cases, the placement of the tee shot is more important than the distance of the drive. For example, a 150 yard drive to the center...
Mental Tips to help your Golf Game

Mental Tips to help your Golf Game

Golf is as much, if not more of a mental sport than it is a physical sport. That being said, what are some mental tips for keep your golf game sharp? Stick to a Routine Try bringing some consistency to a game that is so inconsistent. By coming up with a routine before...
The Top 5 Golf Courses in the United States

The Top 5 Golf Courses in the United States

Throughout the entire United States there are thousands of beautiful golf courses to be seen. Each of these courses unique and different in their very own way. What is it that makes some of these golf courses stand out over others? Let’s take a look at the top 5...